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  4. U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition

U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition

U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition
U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition U and I Entertainment Matchpoint - tenis Championships: Legends Edition

92 RON 180 49%

Cod produs: 40263869

Culoare produs: PS5


Selectati marimea

Pentru a putea adauga produsul in cos trebuie sa selectati marimea dorita.
>Intra in lumea tenisului profesionist: „Matchpoint - Tenis Championships” ofera un mod de cariera profund, cu un sistem unic de clasare bazat pe merit.
>Creeaza-ti propria stea de tenis 3D. Alege-ti aspectul, moda si stilul de joaca cu o gama larga de optiuni de personalizare, inclusiv tehnici reale, cum ar fi mana stanga sau dreapta, cu o mana sau cu doua maini.
>Domina terenul ca profesionist al tenisului. Matchpoint - Tenis Championships cuprinde 16 vedete internationale din tenis din circuitul profesionist, inclusiv Nick Kyrgios, Kei Nishikori si Amanda Anisimova.
> Personalizati-va complet sportivul si articolele purtate. De la Paletela imbracaminte, jocul prezinta echipamente de la toate marcile de tenis, inclusiv UNIQLO, HEAD si multe altele. Deblocati echipamente speciale castigand meciuri competitive.
> Stapaneste toate loviturile si loviturile in stil grandios. Determinati rezultatul unui miting alegand cea mai buna tehnica pentru momentul respectiv: top spin, flat, lob sau slice shot.
> Infruntati adversarii in meciuri locale sau online. Joaca impotriva unui AI viclean sau infrunta-ti prietenii si rivalii pe teren prin sesiuni locale si joc incrucisat online.
> Studiaza miscarile si tacticile rivalului tau. Urmareste-ti adversarii si cunoaste-le punctele forte si punctele slabe pentru a obtine un avantaj tactic inainte de a ajunge chiar pe teren.
> Practica face perfecta: angajeaza un antrenor personal pentru a-ti perfectiona abilitatile. Imbunatateste-ti punctele forte si diminueaza-ti punctele slabe cu un sistem de antrenament in joc de module individuale de antrenament.
>Reglati-va tacticile in modurile de antrenament si antrenament: sari intr-o varietate de mini-jocuri pentru a-ti perfectiona jocul perfect si a deveni o forta de care trebuie sa tii cont pe teren.
>Concureaza in meciuri expozitionale in locatii spectaculoase de pe tot globul. Fiecare instanta are propriile sale caracteristici; studiaza-ti arenele de joc si adapteaza-ti jocul la iarba, zgura si terenuri dure.
>Modul de redare. Punct de intrerupere sau punct de meci decisiv, surprindeti cele mai inversunate mitinguri pe film si studiati rezultatele pentru a va imbunatati jocul.

Transportul se realizeaza doar prin curier rapid, costa 16 RON, oriunde in Romania.

Toate produsele sunt originale. Descrierile si imaginile afisate au caracter informativ. Detaliile produselor comandate vor fi confirmate de catre agentul de vanzari

Cadouri si jucarii U and I Entertainment


>Enter the world of professional Tennis: "Matchpoint - Tennis Championships" offers a deep career mode featuring a unique merit-based ranking system.
>Create your own 3D tennis star. Choose your look, fashion and play style with an array of customization options including true to life techniques such as left-or right-handed, onehanded or twohanded backhand.
>Dominate the court as a tennis professional. Matchpoint - Tennis Championships features 16 real-life international tennis stars from the professional circuit, including Nick Kyrgios, Kei Nishikori and Amanda Anisimova.
>Fully customize your athlete and wearables. From rackets to clothing, the game features gear from all of tennis’ name-brands including UNIQLO, HEAD, and many more. Unlock special equipment by winning competitive matches.
>Master all strokes and shots in grand style. Determine the outcome of a rally by choosing the best technique for the time: top spin, flat, lob or slice shot.
>Take on opponents in local or online matches. Play against a cunning AI or face your friends and rivals on the court via local sessions and online cross-play.
>Study your rival’s moves and tactics. Watch your opponents and get to know their strengths and weaknesses to gain a tactical advantage before you even hit the court.
>Practice makes perfect: hire a personal coach to hone your skills. Buff your strengths and diminish your weaknesses with an in-game coaching system of individual training modules.
>Fine-tune your tactics in Practice and Training modes: Jump into a variety of mini-games to hone your perfect game and become a force to be reckoned with on the court.
>Compete in exhibition matches at spectacular venues around the globe. Each court has its own characteristics; study your arenas of play and adapt your game to grass, clay and hard courts.
>Replay mode. Breakpoint or deciding match point, capture your fiercest rallies on film and study the outcomes to improve your game.

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