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  4. Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru

Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru

Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru
Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru
Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru
Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru
Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru
Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru
Casti Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Xbox PS5 PS4 PC Gaming - negru

407 RON

Cod produs: 81176269

Culoare produs: PS5

Brand: Turtle Beach


Livrare 7-10-Zile lucratoare

Pentru a putea adauga produsul in cos trebuie sa selectati marimea dorita.
Hear Big. Win Big. with the Turtle Beach® Recon 200 Gen 2 powered gaming headset. Powered by a rechargeable 12-hour battery, the Recon 200 Gen 2 delivers amplified audio with bass boost and variable mic monitoring so you can hear the volume of your voice in the headset. But we get it, 12-hours can go by quickly, so the Recon 200 Gen 2 was built to keep going without power in passive mode to support basic headset functions. Whether you’re chatting with teammates or trash-talking the enemy, the high-sensitivity flip-to-mute mic picks up your comms loud and clear. Feel next generation comfort with redesigned, ultra-soft memory foam ear cushions with ProSpecs glasses-friendly technology, wrapped in athletic fabric to keep you cool. The reinforced metal headband returns for the Gen 2, with enhanced styling and added rigidity, while maintaining its lightweight and flexible structure. With a simple flip of a switch, the Recon 200 Gen 2 works with Xbox or PlayStation consoles and more.
>Key Features:
>Next-Gen Comfort
>New for the Gen 2, athletic fabric and softer memory foam ear cushions keep you cool and comfortable over hours of gaming.
>Continuous Play
>A 12-hour battery delivers amazing, amplified audio features, can be charged while playing and even supports basic passive headset functions without power.
>Amplified Audio
>Amplification drives 40mm speakers to deliver immersive, detailed gaming audio plus always on bass boost & variable mic monitoring.
>Multiplatform Compatibility
>Works perfectly with your favorite game consoles, controllers, mobile devices, or anything with a standard 3.5mm jack.
>Bass Boost
>Powered by the rechargeable battery, feel the earth-quaking rumble of always-on Bass Boost.
>Box contents:
> Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Powered Gaming Headset
> USB-C Charging Cable
> Quick Start Guide
> Turtle Beach Sticker
>Compatibility: 3.5 Jack Connection: Xbox Series X & S & Xbox One, PS5 & PS4, & Mobile Devices
>Colour: Black
>Headphone frequency response: 20 Hz – 20kHz
>Driver size: 40mm
>Microphone type: Fixed Omni-Directional Flip-to-Mute Microphone
>Noise-cancelling microphone: No
>Ear cup type: Over Ear
>Ear cup material: Athletic Fabric with Memory Foam Cushioning
>Foldable: No
>Adjustable headband: Yes
>Interface: 3.5 mm jack
>Wireless: No
>Controlul volumului: pe ureche
>Mut: Flip to Mute
>Dimensiuni: 8,21 in x 9,37 in x 3,03 in
>Greutate: 1,07 lbs
>Garantia producatorului: 2 ani

Transportul se realizeaza doar prin curier rapid, costa 18 RON, oriunde in Romania.

Toate produsele sunt originale. Descrierile si imaginile afisate au caracter informativ. Detaliile produselor comandate vor fi confirmate de catre agentul de vanzari

Cadouri si jucarii Casti audio Jocuri Turtle Beach
Hear Big. Win Big. with the Turtle Beach® Recon 200 Gen 2 powered gaming headset. Powered by a rechargeable 12-hour battery, the Recon 200 Gen 2 delivers amplified audio with bass boost and variable mic monitoring so you can hear the volume of your voice in the headset. But we get it, 12-hours can go by quickly, so the Recon 200 Gen 2 was built to keep going without power in passive mode to support basic headset functions. Whether you’re chatting with teammates or trash-talking the enemy, the high-sensitivity flip-to-mute mic picks up your comms loud and clear. Feel next generation comfort with redesigned, ultra-soft memory foam ear cushions with ProSpecs glasses-friendly technology, wrapped in athletic fabric to keep you cool. The reinforced metal headband returns for the Gen 2, with enhanced styling and added rigidity, while maintaining its lightweight and flexible structure. With a simple flip of a switch, the Recon 200 Gen 2 works with Xbox or PlayStation consoles and more.

>Key Features:

>Next-Gen Comfort
>New for the Gen 2, athletic fabric and softer memory foam ear cushions keep you cool and comfortable over hours of gaming.

>Continuous Play
>A 12-hour battery delivers amazing, amplified audio features, can be charged while playing and even supports basic passive headset functions without power.

>Amplified Audio
>Amplification drives 40mm speakers to deliver immersive, detailed gaming audio plus always on bass boost & variable mic monitoring.

>Multiplatform Compatibility
>Works perfectly with your favorite game consoles, controllers, mobile devices, or anything with a standard 3.5mm jack.
>Bass Boost
>Powered by the rechargeable battery, feel the earth-quaking rumble of always-on Bass Boost.
>Box contents:
> Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2 Powered Gaming Headset
> USB-C Charging Cable
> Quick Start Guide
> Turtle Beach Sticker

>Compatibility: 3.5 Jack Connection: Xbox Series X & S & Xbox One, PS5 & PS4, & Mobile Devices
>Colour: Black
>Headphone frequency response: 20 Hz – 20kHz
>Driver size: 40mm
>Microphone type: Fixed Omni-Directional Flip-to-Mute Microphone
>Noise-cancelling microphone: No
>Ear cup type: Over Ear
>Ear cup material: Athletic Fabric with Memory Foam Cushioning
>Foldable: No
>Adjustable headband: Yes
>Interface: 3.5 mm jack
>Wireless: No
>Volume control: On Ear
>Mute: Flip to Mute
>Dimensions: 8.21 in x 9.37 in x 3.03 in
>Weight: 1.07lbs
>Manufacturer’s guarantee: 2 Years

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In cazul in care produsul primit prezinta vreo defectiune, acesta trebuie returnat catre noi in maxim 14 zile de la primire. Returnarea se face prin curierat rapid (DPD sau FAN Courier). Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa ne contactati.

Clientul se obliga sa plateasca si taxele de curierat, pentru returul / schimbul produsului / produselor comandate. Taxele de curierat pentru un transport sunt in valoare de 18 ron.

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