Top triatlon Zone3 Aquaflo+ pentru Barbati negru verde

76 RON
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> The enhanced 'Aquaflo Plus' range builds upon the success of ZONE3’s award-winning Aquaflo collection, setting new standards for performance, comfort, and style.
> ZONE3’s Tri suits, Shorts, and Tops are crafted using the acclaimed water-repellent Aquaflo fabric, complemented by an exceptionally soft and flexible mesh fabric that enhances ventilation and modern aesthetics. Loaded with innovative features, this range sets a benchmark in the industry, delivering top-tier performance and quality at an entry-to-mid-range price point.
> These garments excel not only in swim, cycle, and run disciplines but also exhibit a contemporary and stylish design, setting them apart from others on the market.
> This range represents an evolution of the long-standing Aquaflo collection, which earned the 'BEST BUY' award from 220 Triathlon magazine in 2011, 2012, and 2014. It's engineered to enhance speed, endurance, and comfort, offering premium features without the premium price tag.
> Tri Top:
> What sets this product apart:
> Five years of award-winning reviews focused on performance, comfort, and value.
> Convenient pockets for nutrition and an inner shelf bra.
> High-Tech Teflon-coated fabrics that are fast, breathable, and offer excellent coverage.
> A high-performance and visually appealing top designed for both short and long-distance races. It combines Aquaflo and Airflo fabrics to ensure comfort, aerodynamics, and superior ventilation. This design is based on the Aquaflo Tri suit, which clinched the BEST BUY award in 220 Triathlon magazine's group tests in 2011, 2012, and 2014.
> Key features include:
> Aquaflo™: Swift and comfortable fabric with a water-repellent Teflon coating, delivering minimal drag when wet.
> Revolution-X: An advanced tech-fabric from Italy used on the back panels, boasting lightweight, 360° stretch, and exceptional breathability.
> Airflo: Tailored for optimal temperature control, allowing rapid moisture evaporation to keep the body cool or warm as needed.
> 360° Inner Bra: Provides extra support, particularly during the run phase.
> Tri-lite pad: Tailored for women, this triathlon pad offers a personalized fit.
> Storage pockets: With an elasticated band offer easy access to nutrition, spares, or valuables.
> Elastic Technology and binding: Provide a snug fit without any discomfort around the arms and necklines.
> Stylish Flat-locked stitching: Engineered for maximum strength and minimal skin discomfort.
> Fermoar frontal cu blocare semi-automata: Permite o ventilatie suplimentara in timpul ciclului sau al alergarii.
> Protectie totala cu fermoar: tesaturile moi captusesc interiorul fermoarului, completate de o husa „pliata” pentru a minimiza disconfortul in piept.
Transportul se realizeaza doar prin curier rapid, costa 18 RON, oriunde in Romania.
Toate produsele sunt originale. Descrierile si imaginile afisate au caracter informativ. Detaliile produselor comandate vor fi confirmate de catre agentul de vanzari
Snorkelling si scufundari Windsurf Zone3>Introduction
> The enhanced 'Aquaflo Plus' range builds upon the success of ZONE3’s award-winning Aquaflo collection, setting new standards for performance, comfort, and style.
> ZONE3’s Tri suits, Shorts, and Tops are crafted using the acclaimed water-repellent Aquaflo fabric, complemented by an exceptionally soft and flexible mesh fabric that enhances ventilation and modern aesthetics. Loaded with innovative features, this range sets a benchmark in the industry, delivering top-tier performance and quality at an entry-to-mid-range price point.
> These garments excel not only in swim, cycle, and run disciplines but also exhibit a contemporary and stylish design, setting them apart from others on the market.
> This range represents an evolution of the long-standing Aquaflo collection, which earned the 'BEST BUY' award from 220 Triathlon magazine in 2011, 2012, and 2014. It's engineered to enhance speed, endurance, and comfort, offering premium features without the premium price tag.
> Tri Top:
> What sets this product apart:
> Five years of award-winning reviews focused on performance, comfort, and value.
> Convenient pockets for nutrition and an inner shelf bra.
> High-Tech Teflon-coated fabrics that are fast, breathable, and offer excellent coverage.
> A high-performance and visually appealing top designed for both short and long-distance races. It combines Aquaflo and Airflo fabrics to ensure comfort, aerodynamics, and superior ventilation. This design is based on the Aquaflo Tri suit, which clinched the BEST BUY award in 220 Triathlon magazine's group tests in 2011, 2012, and 2014.
> Key features include:
> Aquaflo™: Swift and comfortable fabric with a water-repellent Teflon coating, delivering minimal drag when wet.
> Revolution-X: An advanced tech-fabric from Italy used on the back panels, boasting lightweight, 360° stretch, and exceptional breathability.
> Airflo: Tailored for optimal temperature control, allowing rapid moisture evaporation to keep the body cool or warm as needed.
> 360° Inner Bra: Provides extra support, particularly during the run phase.
> Tri-lite pad: Tailored for women, this triathlon pad offers a personalized fit.
> Storage pockets: With an elasticated band offer easy access to nutrition, spares, or valuables.
> Elastic Technology and binding: Provide a snug fit without any discomfort around the arms and necklines.
> Stylish Flat-locked stitching: Engineered for maximum strength and minimal skin discomfort.
> Front semi-auto lock zipper: Allows for extra ventilation during the cycle or run.
> Total Zip protection: Soft fabrics line the interior of the zipper, complemented by a 'fold over' cover to minimize chest discomfort.
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